
Department of Psychiatry

    • This program is designed to help workplaces appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention.


      $22.50 - $450.00 (depends on options selected)

    • This program is designed to help the construction industry appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention.


      $22.50 - $450.00 (depends on options selected)

    • This condensed training gives participants the tools to deliver an additional VitalCog industry training. After completing the course, trainers are able to provide an additional industry training to their current trainer status (workplace, construction or athletic staff)



    • This training gives participants the skills and certification to deliver a VitalCog: Suicide Prevention training virtually, as well as access to digital VitalCog materials.



    • This training teaches participants about mental health concerns, the mental health care system, and how to help peers in need.



    • This training gives participants the tools and access to materials necessary to deliver the VitalCog Suicide Prevention training in-person within their industry (e.g., Athletic Staff, Construction, Student-Athletes, Workplace, etc.).


      $450.00 - $5,500.00 (depends on options selected)

    • This program is designed to help athletic staff appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention while creating a forum for dialogue and critical thinking about mental health changes among student-athletes. The program builds a case for suicide prevention while promoting help-seeking and help-giving. This training is offered virtually or in-person.


      $22.50 - $450.00 (depends on options selected)

    • This program is designed to help student-athletes appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention while creating a forum for dialogue and critical thinking about mental health changes among student-athletes. The program builds a case for suicide prevention while promoting help-seeking and help-giving. This training is offered virtually or in-person.


      $22.50 - $450.00 (depends on options selected)

    • In this training participants will gain an understanding of mental health and suicide awareness while learning skills to identify and take action in supporting and helping peers or colleagues.

      Please select your training sessions on the next screen



    • Athletic staff will have options to engage in a series of four programs: understanding mental health, building resiliency, stress management, and self-care.

      Please select your training sessions on the next screen



    • An engaging talk to understand the signs and symptoms associated with anxiety.



    • This training discusses skills and strategies for building resiliency, creating manageable goals, self-care, and mindfulness exercises.



    • In this training, participants will recognize contribuing factors to burnout and common signs/symptoms, identify and define current burnout stressors, and learn and practice tips and tools in addressing burnout concerns. Participants will receive a handout on tools to help navigate burnout. 



    • In this training, participants will: learn how diet impacts our physical and mental health, discuss persistent nutritional myths, and explore nutritional strategies for individuals to improve health and wellbeing



    • In this training, participants will: discuss the important role habits play in our lives, learn strategies in creating healthy habits, and identify individualized goals to establish supportive and healthy habits



    • In this training, participants will: discuss components of healthy sleep, explore factors that contribute to healthy sleep, and identify strategies to support healthy sleeping habits



    • In this training, participants will: learn the FLOW framework; reflect and engage in current emotions, distractions, and situations; and understand the impact of FLOW and how to integrate it into daily experiences



    • In this training, participants will: review the definitions and purpose of mindfulness, learn the research and benefits of practicing mindfulness, and identify and practice formal and informal skills to integrating mindfulness techniques into one's own life



    • In this training, participants will review the definition of mindfulness, the research supporting it, and how to easily integrate mindfulness techniques into one’s own life.



    • In this training, participants will: explore the essential role movement plays in our lives; learn to reconnect with play, resilience, and well-being in our everyday experience; and identify enjoyable physical activities that inspire movement



    • Learn to identify and address mental health concerns associated with the COVID pandemic.



    • QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.



    • An interactive group training introducing the concept and importance of self-care as a basis for both personal and professional success.



    • An interactive talk focused on identifying the function and purpose of stress while learning techniques to help reduce stressors.



    • In this training, participants will: explore how to create sustainable change, reflect and celebrate current and future changes, and engage in activities that highlight key skills and strategies to maintain changes



    • Review effects and symptoms of trauma as well as the resiliency and protective factors to best support a child with a trauma background.



    • This talk helps identify signs and symptoms associated with depressive disorders while offering new approaches in understanding depression.



    • In this session, participants will review statistics, facts, and warning signs regarding mental health concerns and conditions.



    • Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms that are associated with vicarious trauma (VT) while understanding the risk and protective factors involved in the work that can contribute to VT.

