Scuba Crew

  • Out of Stock
    Beach Dive at Dania Beach (Boulders) 09/22/24
    Sorry, but the trip is full. Please contact Kate at to get you on the waiting list. Thank you!

    This is a one-tank beach dive at a local favorite dive site. The Perry Street Boulders reef is just to the south of the Dania Beach Pier in Dania Beach, FL. The reef is in about 15' to 20' feet of depth where you may find many varieties of marine life and corals.



  • Out of Stock
    Beach Dive at Lauderdale By The Sea 10/13/24
    Sorry, the trip is full. You may contact Kate at to get on the waitlist. In the event a club member cannot make the dive and notifies one of us 24 hours before the dive, the waitlist will be consulted, and you will be notified by Kate. When emailing Kate, please include "Waitlist" in the subject line.

    This is a one-tank beach dive at a local favorite dive site. The reef at Lauderdale by the Sea is just to the north side of the Commercial Blvd Pier in Lauderdale by the Sea, FL. The reef is in about 15' to 18' feet of depth where you may find many varieties of marine life and corals.



  • This is the annual Pompano Beach Pier Cleanup. The pier is closed down once a year so that divers may remove items underneath and around the pier. You will receive a mesh cleaning bag, cutting shears, t-shirt and a raffle ticket. After the dive, we will go grab some lunch at some of the near-by restaurants and return to the check-in tent at 11:15am for the raffle drawing.



  • This is a one-tank dive at one of the most unique dive sites in Florida. You will get to tour the Jules Undersea Lodge underwater habitat and its surrounding lagoon in Key Largo, FL. Jules' Lagoon is filled with interesting marine life and artifacts, but diving up into the Lodge is really special.



  • Out of Stock
    Two Tank Boat Dive with Fish Identification Specialty 11/09/24
    Sorry, trip is full! Please contact Kate Heffner at to get on a waiting list. Thank you!

    This two tank boat trip in Fort Lauderdale includes a PADI Specialty dive called Fish Identification!  You'll enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures that you see and can identify the main fish families and their characteristics.  It involves a classroom session on Wednesday 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. regarding fish identification techniques that you will put into play on the two dives on Saturday on the boat.



  • Out of Stock
    Two Tank Boat Dive, Night Dive 09/14/24
    Sorry, but the dive trip has met the full amount of seats on the boat. Please contact Kate Heffner to get on a waiting list at

    This is a two-tank boat dive NIGHT DIVE open to all ADVANCED Open Water Diver members ONLY! The first dive will be a dusk dive during sunset and the second dive will be a full night dive. There will be an appropriate surface interval between the two dives depending on our profile.  We will be diving with Sea Experience in Fort Lauderdale.



  • This is a two-tank boat dive open to all NSU Scuba Club members. We will be diving with I.CARE Coral at Key Dives dive charter in Islamorada, Florida in the Keys. Come ready to learn about the reefs that we are restoring! Training consists of a brief presentation and a hands-on demonstration of safe outplanting techniques. Your two dives will be on the same site and you will be supervised by an I.CARE Divemaster & NSUADP staff. All outplanting equipment will be provided!



  • This is a two-tank boat dive open to all NSU Scuba Club members. We will be diving with I.CARE Coral at Key Dives dive charter in Islamorada, Florida in the Keys. Come ready to learn about the reefs that we are restoring! Training consists of a brief presentation and a hands-on demonstration of safe outplanting techniques. Your two dives will be on the same site and you will be supervised by an I.CARE Divemaster & NSUADP staff. All outplanting equipment will be provided!



  • This is a two-tank boat dive open to NSU Scuba Club members who hold ADVANCED Open Water Certification or higher. This trip INCLUDES the AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty Certification. These dives will be conducted in West Palm Beach, Florida where there is megafauna such as turtles, goliath groupers, large aggregations of fish, and during the winter, the Lemon Shark migration. The maximum depth of the dives varies between 75’ and 95’, thus making this dive available to AOW divers ONLY.

