This is an Introduction to Snorkeling pool session for Marine Biology students. As students go through beginning Marine Biology courses, there are associated open water snorkeling field trips with them. These pool sessions help students learn or refresh learning on various snorkeling skills and techniques.
Multiple Sessions to Choose From:
Students must know how to swim and have good overall health: you will perform a 25 yard non-stop swim (any stroke, non timed) and a 1 minute tread water.
The Introduction to Snorkeling pool session is located at the NSU Aquatic Complex Competition Pool. You can find it just to the left of center on this map When you get to the pool, enter through the north gates and tell the staff or lifeguards that you are there for Intro to Snorkeling. Then just have a seat on the East side bleachers. There are bathrooms, locker rooms and showers in case you want to bring soaps and items to freshen up after class. If you want to lock up any valuables, bring a lock to put on a locker for your pool session.
For more information please contact Nina Ross,