Exception Codes: Troubleshooting Student Account Balance Updates

If the payment originated from the Payment Gateway Operations Center

Charges performed within the Payment Gateway Operations Center are sent to your credit card processor, and the student's card is charged. However, the student's account on your student system is not updated. You will need to use the administrative software or method appropriate to the student system to post a payment to the student's account.

If the payment originated from TouchNet Cashiering Suite

Payment Gateway will hold the payment information and automatically update the student's account and continue to try updating if the student system is available. By default, the payment will be attempted up to 1000 times, every 60 seconds. If you never see the payment update the student's account, check to see whether other Cashiering payments are updating the student system.

If problems persist:

  • TouchNet Data Center Customers:
    Contact Customer Care with the date, time, amount, transaction ID and ancillary data of the payment shown in the Payment Gateway Operations Center.
  • All other Customers:
    If no other payments are updating the student system, ask your school's Cashiering technical administrator to check that the Host Integration Module (DDO Connect, Banner Connect, PeopleSoft Connect, etc.) is connected to your host. If it is not connected to the host, re-establish the connection and check the student's account later for an update. If the payment never updates the student's account, then send the following information and files to TouchNet Customer Care:
    • Information: Date, time, amount, transaction ID or reference number and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
    • Files: tsyslog.txt, transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1, transmgr.lg2 and cashiering debug files (for the date of the problem)

If the host integration module is connected to the host and other payments are updating the student accounts, then send the following information and files to Customer Care:

    • Information: The date, time, amount, transaction ID or reference number and ancillary data of the payment shown in Operations Center.
    • Files: tsyslog.txt, transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1, transmgr.lg2 and cashiering debug files (for the date of the problem)


Tsyslog.txt (located on the server where the Host Integration Module is located):

[drive]:\touchnet\payment[version]\data\ or [drive]:\touchnet\hostint\data\ 

Transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1, and transmgr.lg2 (located on the server where the Payment Gateway is installed)


Cashiering Debug (location depends on where you installed the Cashiering web application)

Windows users:


Solaris users:


If a credit card payment originated from an ERP-based Student Web application

A payment may be seen in the Payment Gateway Operations Center and not in the student's account if the payment could not be updated to the student system during the initial payment attempt. To find out why the student's account is not being updated you will need to have your student system administrator check the integration debug for error messages pertaining to updating the student's account with the payment.

  • Banner: Java Payment Client (JPC), provided by Banner, debug
  • Plus and Datatel: tsyslog.txt file located on the server where the TouchNet integration software is installed.
  • PeopleSoft: Trace file generated from the PeopleSoft Business Interlink

You can see payment details such as date, time, amount, SID, and so on, in the Payment Gateway Operations Center reports. These details can be helpful in locating the payment attempt in the student system debug.


Note: The user would have seen an error message when attempting a payment if the student account had not been updated. However, some Payment Gateway users update the student account manually using the administrative software or other method appropriate to the student system. For credit card payments, if the payment is not pending settlement or has not already been settled as shown in the Payment Gateway Operations Center, then users who update the student account manually must also add the payment to the current batch settlement.

If this problem is occurring with all payment attempts, there may be a problem with the communication between the application and the student system or there may be a configuration setting that can be corrected. If you are unable to determine what the problem is, send the following information and files to Customer Care:


  • Information: date, time, amount, transaction id and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
  • Files: tsyslog.txt (Payment Gateway) and JPC debug

Plus and Ellucian:

  • Information: date, time, amount, transaction id and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
  • Files: tsyslog.txt (Payment Gateway and Integration)


Open a case with PeopleSoft's GSC with all of the information you have already gathered.


  • Tsyslog.txt (You will not need to send this file if you are a TouchNet Data Center customer.)
  • Payment Gateway:
  • Integration:
 [drive]:\tserve\data\ or [drive]:\touchnet\hostint\data\ 

If the payment originated from the Payment Gateway Operations Center

Charges performed within the Payment Gateway Operations Center are sent to your credit card processor, and the student's card is charged. However, the student's account on your student system is not updated. You must use the administrative software or other method appropriate to the student system to post a payment to the student's account.

If the payment originated from TouchNet Bill+Payment Suite:

Payment Gateway will hold the payment information and automatically update the student's account and continue to try updating if the host system is available. By default, the payment will be attempted up to 1000 times, every 60 seconds. If you never see the payment update the student's account, check to see whether other Bill+Payment Suite payments are updating the host system.

If the problem persists:

  • TouchNet Data Center Customers:
    Contact Customer Care with the date, time, amount, transaction ID and ancillary data of the payment shown in the Payment Gateway Operations Center.
  • All other Customers:
    If no other payments are updating the student system, ask your school's Bill+Payment technical administrator to check that the Host Integration Module (DDO Connect, Banner Connect, PeopleSoft Connect, etc.) is connected to your host. If it is not connected to the host, re-establish the connection and check the student's account later for an update. If the payment never updates the student's account, then send the following information and files to TouchNet Customer Care:
    • Information: Date, time, amount, transaction ID or reference number and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
    • Files: tsyslog.txt, transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1, transmgr.lg2 and TSA batch-date-##.log (for the date of the problem).

If the host integration module is connected to the host and other payments are updating the student's account, then send the following information and files to Customer Care:

  • Information: Date, time, amount, transaction ID or reference number and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
  • Files: tsyslog.txt, transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1, transmgr.lg2 and TSA batch-date-##.log (for the date of the problem)


  • Tsyslog.txt (located on the server where the Host Integration Module is located)
[drive]:\touchnet\payment[version]\data\ or [drive]:\touchnet\hostint\data\ 
  • Transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1, and transmgr.lg2 (located on the server where the Payment Gateway is installed)
  • TSA batch-date-##.log
    • Windows users:
    • Solaris users:

If the payment originated from Voice Portal

Check to see if other Voice Portal (IVP) payments are updating the student's account on the student system. If no other IVP payments are updating the host system, ask your school's IVP technical administrator to check that the Host Integration Module (DDO Connect, Banner Connect, PeopleSoft Connect, etc.) is connected to your host. If it is not connected, re-establish the connection and update the student's account manually.

If it is connected to the host and other payments are updating the host, then send the following information and files to TouchNet Customer Care:

  • *Information:* Date, time, amount, transaction ID or reference number and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
  • Files: tsyslog.txt (Payment Gateway and Integration if applicable), transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1,transmgr.lg2, voice session debug, and voice browser debug.


  • Tsyslog.txt
  • Payment Gateway:
  • Integration:
[drive]:\tserve\data\ or [drive]:\touchnet\hostint\data\ 
  • Transmgr.log, transmgr.lg1 and transmgr.lg2 (located on the server where Payment Gateway is running)

With versions prior to 4.5 of Payment Gateway this file will be named after your credit card processor, vital.log, fdc.log, etc..

  • Voice Session Debug (for date and time the payment was attempted as shown in the Payment Gateway Operations Center)
D:\touchnet\peoplesoft8\webapp\prod\debug\ (For PeopleSoft8 users)
D:\logixstream\bblocks\prod\debug\ (For Banner, Datatel or Plus users) 
  • Voice Browser Debug (for date and time the payment was attempted as shown in the Payment Gateway Operations Center)

If the payment originated from the TouchNet webCheck application

Check to see if other webCheck application payments are updating the student accounts on the student system.

If problems persist:

  • TouchNet Data Center Customers
    Contact Customer Care with the date, time, amount, transaction ID and ancillary data of the payment shown in Operations Center.
  • Banner and Ellucian Users (Not in the TouchNet DataCenter):
    If no other webCheck payments are updating the student system, ask your school's webCheck technical administrator to check that the Host Integration Module (DDOConnect or BannerConnect) is connected to your host. If it is not connected to the host, re-establish the connection and update the student's account manually. If it is connected to the host and other payments are updating the student accounts, then send the following information and files to Customer Care:
    • Information: Date, time, amount, transaction ID and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
    • Files: tsyslog.txt file (from the Payment Gateway server) and webCheck web application debug
  • PeopleSoft Users (Not in the TouchNet DataCenter)
    If no other eCheck payments are updating the host system, ask your PeopleSoft Administrator to check the PeopleSoft Business Interlink to make sure it is functioning correctly. If they have questions or problems with this, you will need to open a case with PeopleSoft GSC.
  • Plus Users (Not in the TouchNet DataCenter)
    If no other webCheck payments are updating the host system, ask your T-Serve Technical Administrator to check that the host is connected to tcpproxy. If it is not connected, re-establish the connection and update the student's account manually. If it is connected to tcpproxy and other payments are updating the student accounts, then send the following information and files to Customer Care:
    • Information: Date, time, amount, transaction ID and ancillary data of the payment shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.
    • Files: tsyslog.txt files (from both Payment Gateway and T-Serve) and webCheck web application debug


  • Tsyslog.txt (for Payment Gateway)
  • Tsyslog.txt (for T-Serve)

  • webCheck Web Application Debug (located on the server where the webCheck web application resides)

Retrieve the files for the date and time the payment was attempted as shown in Payment Gateway Operations Center.