Law Beautification Project

As the Faculty of Law embarks on its 50th year, the facilities utilized by its students have been experiencing some of the typical challenges of an older physical plant (appearance, inadequate sitting areas and lack of electrical capacity).

In order to better facilitate students with an environment that is more conducive to study and life in the faculty, the Dean’s Council has therefore agreed to champion a Facility Enhancement & Beautification Project of the Faculty premises as follows:

  • Create a new deck with improved facilities for students at the northeast corner of the Law Faculty. The deck would add additional seating space, shelter, electrical outlets and a ramp for wheelchair access;
  • Beautification of the student common area known as “the Pit” with a tile mural;
  • Beautification of the wall to the right of the eastern (lower) entrance to the Faculty with a painted mural;
  • Creation of a covered terrace with benches and outlets in the inside quadrangle of the Faculty.

The Dean’s Council has established a target of raising at least Bds$300,000 for this important initiative for the benefit of the students. A Donor Wall will be established at the Faculty to recognize those individual and institutions that contribute this worthy cause. Should you be able to support the project, donations in the following amounts are eligible for the appropriate category of ‘brick’ or plaque on our Donor Wall:

  • Red Brick/Student Brick ($200+ BDS)
  • Bronze Brick ($500+ BDS)
  • Silver Brick ($1000+ BDS)
  • Gold Brick ($5000+ BDS)
  • Platinum Brick ($10000+ BDS)

Donations are in Barbadian dollars (1 USD = 2 BBD)

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