BCCI and UWI Panama Spanish Immersion Programme

The Office of Business Development (OBD), in collaboration with the Barbados Chamber of Commerce (BCCI), has organised a two-week Business Spanish Language Immersion Programme with the Casco Antiguo Spanish School in Panama City, Panama from 19th to 30th May 2025.

Programme Options
Option 1 - The Programme with accommodations option includes Tuition, Tours, Social activities AND accommodations at a 3 -star for the cost of:
US$ 2,900 / BDS$ 5,800 per person double occupancy (3-star)
US$ 3,450 / BDS$ 6,900 per person single occupancy (3-star)

Transportation to and from the Casco Antiguo Spanish School is included in the programme fee.
All accommodations at the hotels listed above include breakfast.

Option 2 - The Programme ONLY option includes Tuition, Tours and Social activities for a cost of:
US$ 2,300 / BDS$ 4,600 

Participants who arrange their own accommodation are responsible for their daily transportation to and from Casco Antiguo Spanish School.

The options do not include airfare, other meals and general/shopping expenses and incidentals.

To secure your space in the programme, a non-refundable deposit of $500.00 is required.  Please make a payment of at least $500 below. 50% of the Programme Fees must be paid by February 28th 2025.

This exciting learning opportunity is open to:
  • BCCI's membership
  • Cave Hill Campus' Staff from all categories
  • Cave Hill Campus' Students (undergraduate and postgraduate)
  • Cave Hill Campus' Alumni
  • Cave Hill Campus' Corporate Partners

No prior knowledge of Spanish is required.  Small group sessions from Absolute Beginner to Advanced will be accommodated.

Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have any questions, or to secure your space, please contact:
  • Rosita Spooner, OBD at Tel: 417-4543, Email: rosita.spooner@cavehill.uwi.edu
  • Shanice Haynes, BCCI at Tel: 437-4750, Email: shanice.haynes@barbadoschamber.com

Prices are quoted in Barbados dollars (BDS $2.00 = US $1.00)