Jazz All-State Workshop Registration

Date/Time: August 31, 2024. 9:30am to 12:30pm

Cost: $20 per student. Schools bringing 5 or more students get a $5 per student discount.
Please contact Nicolas Trujillo Castelblanco for the discount code: nicolas.trujillocastelb@uta.edu

- 9:30am: Arrival/Sign-in - UTA Fine Arts Building South Section, 700 Greek Row Drive, Arlington TX 73019
- 10:00am: Masterclass; Presentation by The Helbing Jazz Initiative
- 11:00a,: Break
- 11:15am: Instrument Masterclass on All-region Jazz audition material
- 12:30pm: End of event

Parking information will be sent out via email to registrants closer to the event date.

Payment will also be accepted at arrival/sign-in, via cash or check.
Please email nicolas.trujillocastelb@uta.edu to register your student and indicate that you will pay at the door.

