Fostering Unbreakable Trust: The Role of Cybersecurity in Legal Excellence

Fostering Unbreakable Trust: The Role of Cybersecurity in Legal Excellence

September 25, 2024, 8:00 – 9:00 AM 
Online Via Zoom
One Hour of Ethics CLE Credit Pending

  • Fostering an Effective Cyber Strategy: When Cyber Attacks Can Erode Your Reputation & Client Trust
  • Cyberattacks Target Attorneys: Common Threats Inside & Out
  • 2024 NIST 2.0 framework: Legal & Ethical ramifications for non-compliance
Cyber-criminals disrupt the operations of an organization. In the wake of cyber-attacks, business and individual reputations can be compromised, and as a result, client trust is soon to follow. With the current status of cybercrime reaching a global economy of $10.5 trillion, cyber strategies are essential to keeping everything protected, from data and people to reputation and client trust. Cyberattacks can come in many forms and understanding where you might be vulnerable can help you maintain operational resilience.

Attorneys have ethical and common law duties to take competent and reasonable measures to safeguard information relating to clients and often have contractual and regulatory duties to protect confidential information. Several of the ABA Model Rules are particular in application to the protection of client information, including competence (Model Rule 1.1), communication (Model Rule 1.4), the confidentiality of information (Model Rule 1.6), safeguarding property (Model Rule 1.15), and supervision (Model Rules 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3). The implantation and adherence to cyber security frameworks and compliance regulations, such as those found in the new FTC Safeguards Act or NIST framework, can help to better solidify client trust and build reputation. In addition, we will discuss how recent case studies have shown that there can also be legal ramifications by not having these security frameworks in place should a breach occur. We will review in detail the framework elements and how they work to protect the organization.


  • Matthew Jay, Partner and Chief Operating Officer, PC Techware
  • Jennifer Pendley, Customer Success Manager, PC Techware

Faculty Bios

Matthew Jay is a Chief Operating Officer at PC Techware Inc. with a background in driving scalability and leadership development. He is a seasoned executive with 20 years of progressive responsibility in Leadership, Sales, Operations, Marketing and e-Commerce.  With previous experience at Fujifilm Graphic Systems Division as a Digital Sales Manager and a Technology/Workflow Product Specialist, Matthew has excelled in aligning enterprise-grade solutions with client needs. Prior roles at and The R.L. Bryan Company showcase their expertise in business development, operations, and customer solutions. Matthew holds a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Communications from Clemson University.

Prices range from $0.00 to $35.00 (price depends on options selected)