Estate Planning Conference

The University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law is pleased to announce its Estate Planning Conference on October 17-18, 2024 in Columbia, SC. The conference offers an outstanding group of nationally renowned speakers, including Jonathan Blattmachr, Howard Zaritsky, Brant Hellwig, Jerry Hesch, Mary Radford, John Goldsbury, Ellis Pretlow, Kevin Heaton, and Tax Court Judge Adam Landy, covering essential and significant issues in estate planning and family and small business planning. 

The program will include presentations covering:
  • Estate planning and tax updates and recent developments
  • Accomplishing the impossible: keep assets out of the owner's estate but secure an income tax-free setup up in basis at death
  • Flexible beneficiaries trust: a structure you should (almost) always use
  • Famliy and small business tax saving opportunities
  • Using spreadsheet modeling to communicate the benefits of estate planning techniques to clients
  • A view from the Tax Court
  • Planning when death is imminent
  • Defined value transfers
  • Issues in Medicare/Medicaid planning and practice for high-net-worth individuals 
  • Issues in family and small business planning 
  • Ethics issues in estate planning 
$495 Early Bird Deadline: September 20, 2024
$695 after September 20, 2024

To register via check, please make checks out to "University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law"
In the memo section, please indicate it is for "2024 Estate Planning Conference"
Send to:   University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law 
                 1525 Senate Street
                 Columbia SC, 29208
                 Attn: Megan S. Seiner, Vice Dean of Student and Alumni Engagement & Strategic Initiatives 

