HIS 306 Topics in Cultural History: Archaeological Field School at Revolutionary War Fort

HIS 306 Topics in Cultural History: Archaeological Field School at Revolutionary War Fort 

4 Credits

5-Week Session (Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - Friday, June 28, 2024)

Delivery Method: This class will meet in-person to participate in a dig on Aquidneck Island in Portsmouth, Rhode Island

Examines a topic of current interest in the public sphere from an anthropological perspective. The content and format of the course will be tailored to the topic area. Course may be taken twice as long as topics differ.

Students will learn and master GPR (ground penetrating radar), metal detection, photogrammetry, 3D scanning, and mapping field methodology at Butts Hill Fort in Portsmouth, RI. National Historic Landmark. Students will be taught best archaeological practice, ethics and community outreach along with CRM (cultural resource management) at this National Historic Landmark. Lab component education in intake, cleaning, cataloguing, interpretation and analyses techniques. Research questions will follow the battle between French, U.S., and Hessian forces, fort construction and use, and lifeways of occupants (Northern and Southern Batteries). Students will also visit the Navy College and tour local battlefields and forts. We will seek to understand both African diaspora or African American and Native American views during this field school and will be visiting diaspora sites and Native American museums. This class will meet the 1st 5 weeks 5/28-6/28. Class is cross-listed with ANT350. Total combined maximum for HIS306 and ANT350 is 25. 

Registration and Payment Deadline: Tuesday, May 21st.

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