RST 351A Heretics, Saints & Martyrs

RST 351A Heretics, Saints & Martyrs

3 Credits

8-Week Session (Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - Friday, July 19, 2024)

Delivery Method: The class will meet online

This course will examine the growth of the early Christian movement during Late Antiquity. Discussions will focus on several important themes including persecution and martyrdom, monasticism and asceticism, the development and refutation of heresies (Gnosticism, Arianism, Nestorianism), and the creation of orthodoxy in belief, creed, and ritual. General Education Attribute(s): Catholic Intellectual Traditions, Moral Inquiry Note: Formerly offered as REL 351 (F.2019). Students may not take both RST 351 & REL 351. Limited to 25.

 Registration and Payment Deadline: Tuesday, May 21st.

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