SCUBA Divemaster (Summer 2024)

PADI Divemaster

May 6 to August 17, 2024


  • $675.00 NSU Students, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
  • $975.00 General Public (must have NSU affiliation)


May 6 to August 17, 2024

Classroom Sessions:

  • Mondays 4:00pm-5:30pm

Pool Sessions:

  • Fridays 7:00pm-9:00pm


Divemaster candidates will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to transition from a recreational diver to a dive professional. Instructor-level academic knowledge will be developed in diving physics, physiology, decompression, equipment, and environment. Pool training includes perfecting skills to a level of “demonstration quality” for open water skills, rescue, navigation, and problem solving. Watermanship and stamina are evaluated as well.


  • PADI Divemaster Crew Pack
  • 10 Classroom Sessions & 10 Pool Sessions
  • Open Water Dives (ocean boat dives and lake dives)
  • Tanks and air fills)


  • Mask, snorkel and fins
  • All scuba equipment throughout the course: Regulator, Buoyancy Compensator, Weights/Belt, Dive Bag
  • Compass
  • PADI Recreational Dive Planner (dive tables)
  • Timing Device (submersible watch OR dive computer)
  • Log Book
  • Surface Marker Buoy
  • Whistle
  • Wreck Reel (100' minimum)
  • Underwater Slate & Pencil
  • Dive Lights (primary & secondary)
  • Dive Knife or Cutting Tool
  • DAN Pocket Mask
  • PADI Divemaster Membership Application Fee to PADI


Students must know how to swim and have good overall health:

  • Certified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent certification from another certification organization.
  • Certified as EFR Primary and Secondary care (First Aid/CPR) or equivalent certification from another certification organization.
  • Certified as a PADI Rescue Diver or equivalent certification from another certification organization.
  • Candidates must complete the PADI Medical History Questionnaire. The candidate MUST have the form signed by a physician giving his or her approval for the candidate to participate in Divemaster diving.
  • Have Dive Accident Insurance with Divers Alert Network (or equivalent) at the Master level or higher.
  • Candidates must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Candidates must have at least 40 logged scuba dives.


Due to the popularity of scuba courses, instructor schedules and issued materials the following policies are in place:

  • 1. No refund of the scuba course fee will be possible for any reason after the third session of the class.
  • 2. Scuba Fee refunds prior to the third session of the class will be based on the following refund schedule:
  • i. Prior to Class or Pool Session #1 = Full Scuba Fee minus $25
  • ii. Prior to Class or Pool Session #2 = Full Scuba Fee minus $50
  • iii. Prior to Class or Pool Session #3 = Full Scuba Fee minus $100
  • 3. Refunds must be cleared with your instructor and final approval will come from the Scuba Department.


For more information please contact Tec Clark, Associate Director for Scuba Diving at (954) 262-7042 or

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