How Do We Define, Understand, and Do Social Justice as Clinical Social Work Leaders, Practitioners, and Educators? - Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Workshop Description:

Social justice is an organizing value in social work. As social workers, social justice should drive or underlie the work we engage in as clinical social work leaders, practitioners, and educators. In this 5-hour workshop, we will critically explore and question what social justice is. What is social injustice? How are we doing social justice? What does social justice look like through and interdisciplinary lens and from different positionalities? Participants will closely examine concepts and ideas such as, intersecting oppression, dehumanization, social justice in a neoliberal context, inequality, liberatory consciousness, and other critical theories and practice frameworks they can utilize to inform how they are doing social justice. We will also engage in an experiential activity to bring us closer to understanding systemic inequality and social injustice in a fun way.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define and discuss different meanings of social injustice, oppression, liberation, and other key ideas and concepts from an interdisciplinary lens and different roles and positionalities/social locations as social workers.
  2. Explore how social work is doing social justice. Increase awareness and understanding of the social work profession’s role within society as it relates to social injustice, responsibility, and commitment to social justice, advocacy, and social reform within an intersecting oppressive and neoliberal context.
  3. Engage and actively participate in an experiential activity to increase awareness and discussion about systemic inequality, inequity, social injustice, and the need to address social justice issues in clinical practice and education.

    CE Hours: 5 General CE's
    Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
    Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    Location: Monmouth University – Edison Hall, Room E 201
    Presenter: Tawanda Hubbard, Ph.D. (cand.), DSW, MSW, LCSW

    Presenter Information:

    Tawanda Hubbard, Ph.D. (cand.), DSW, MSW, LCSW, is an Associate Professor of Professional Practice at Rutgers University School of Social Work (RUSSW). She has her LCSW and over 19 years of clinical practice and case management experience. She is a trained family therapist and certified REBT and child sexual abuse therapist with two post-masters in clinical practice with adolescents and social work and spirituality. Dr. Hubbard presents statewide, regionally, and nationally on her scholarship interests. She is a past president of the NASW-NJ Chapter and serves on various councils, advisory boards, and coalitions, and belongs to associations focused on social work, family relations, child/adolescent development, and child welfare. Dr. Hubbard is the current president of the RUSSW Alumni Council. She is also pursuing her second doctorate at Montclair State University, a Ph.D. candidate in the Family Science and Human Development program.

