Hotel Information & Campus housing reservations

To make your own independent hotel reservations: Please call 610-882-9700 Comfort Inn and ask for the Lehigh Microscopy School block.
Use this link


Farrington Square is an air-conditioned, apartment-style residence hall. Each apartment contains either three or four single bedrooms. You will share a living room, kitchen (no cooking utensils or dishes supplied-microwave and refrigerator are supplied), and bathroom with two or three other people. All linens and soap will be provided. Alarm clocks and lamps are not provided.

If you would like to share an apartment with someone you know who is attending the course, please e-mail Carolyn Law p Upon your request. Lodging can also be arranged before courses start and the courses end.

Prices range from $59.00 to $354.00 (price depends on options selected)