Kilted Mile Sponsorship

Kilted Mile Sponsorship
Tartan Level $250 minimum donation Logo/name on back of Kilted Mile shirt. Recognition as a sponsor and “Shout Outs”/Social Media posts. Posts will be published by our XC/TF pages. Will receive a Kilted Mile Cup and Kilted Mile Sticker.
Red Level $100 minimum donation: Name on back of Kilted Mile shirt (no logo). Can’t be more than two names. Please ask with specific questions. “Shout Outs”/Social Media posts. Posts will be published by our XC/TF pages. Kilted Mile Sticker and Kilted Mile Cup.
White Level $50 minimum donation. “Shout Outs”/Social Media posts. Posts will be published by our XC/TF pages. Kilted Mile Sticker. Edinboro University Alumni in the years 2019-24 can donate $50 and get their name on the back of the Kilted Mile shirt (see information under Red Level). This special price is only for recent Alumni (past 5 years only).
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