CEPSCI / CSPR - CSPR Certification

CSPR Certification

  • The Certified Stormwater Plan Reviewer (CSPR) program’s ‘Certification’ class will help educate individuals on proper design and review of stormwater and sediment control plans for development sites. It will also help prepare attendees for the exam, which is part of the process for becoming a SC DHEC Certified Stormwater Plan Reviewer.

    Enrollment in the class includes automatic registration for the corresponding exam.




  • The Certified Stormwater Plan Reviewer (CSPR) recertification program provides SCDES approved professional training required for recertification purposes.

    Recertification is not permitted for persons not currently certified.



  • The CSPR Retests are provided as make-up testing dates for individuals with scheduling conflicts or as a result of unsatisfactory grades.

    If you have registered for an upcoming course, you are already registered for the exam. Separate exam registration is not necessary.

