Instructions: Please enter the requested personal and payment information and enter your order total (including handling fee) from your sale form. Once the transaction is complete, please print your order receipt and add the transaction number from this receipt to your tree sale order form in the line saying CU MARKETPLACE ORDER NUMBER.
Please email both your order form and the receipt for your marketplace purchase to You should receive a confirmation email back stating that your order was received and confirming payment. You can also take your order form and receipt by the Abbeville Extension office or mail it to the office.
Abbeville County Extension Office 265 Industrial Park Road Abbeville, SC 29620
Please note that you are responsible for any mistakes found in order total/payments. All orders and payments must be received by November 15th by 4:00pm. We will send a reminder email approximately two weeks prior to picking up your order. Order pick up date will be mid-January. Remember to bring your printed order confirmation and order form with you for pick up.