W. B. Yeats's "A Vision": Explications and Contexts

W. B. Yeats's "A Vision": Explications and Contexts, edited by Neil Mann, Matthew Gibson, and Claire Nally (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2012), xx, 374 pp. Paper. ISBN 978-0-9835339-2-4

W. B. Yeats's "A Vision": Explications and Contexts is the first volume of essays devoted to A Vision and the associated system developed by W. B. Yeats and his wife, George. A Vision is all-encompassing in its stated aims and scope, and it invites a wide range of approaches—as demonstrated in the essays collected here, written by the foremost scholars in the field. Throughout, the different contributors take a variety of stances with regard to texts and the automatic script.

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