Home Vegetable Gardening

Home Vegetable Gardening

Authors: Robert F. Polomski, Clemson Extension Consumer Horticul- turist; Richard L. Hassell, Clemson State Extension Vegetable Specialist; Anthony P. Keinath, Clemson Extension Plant Pathologist

Most popular of all Clemson University publications, the Home Vegetable Gardening Manual includes sections on garden planning, soil preparation, recommended varieties, planting, fertilization, irrigation and pest identification. Intensive gardening methods, such as container gardening or raised-bed gardening are covered. There are sections containing tips on growing the most popular vegetables for the home garden. Appendices include information on soil testing, home composting, fertilization, and controlling insects and diseases.

The manual is 145 pages with black and white illustrations.

ISBN 978-0-9798777-2-8

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