Feed and Forage Analysis

Pay for your feed and forage analysis.

Dairy and Swine - Check desired analyses.

Beef and Horses - Check Crude Protein, ADF, NDF, and other desired analyses.

Poultry - Crude Protein, NDF, Fat, and Ash must be checked for metabolizable energy.

Standard Minerals includes phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and sulfur.

Dry Matter will be run routinely on all samples at no charge if other analyses are selected.

Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Energy Values will be calculated from the Crude Protein and ADF values for hays, silages, mixed rations, grains, and complete feeds. Crude Protein and ADF must be checked to determine these values. For feeds containing >4% fat, the fat analysis is necessary to determine better estimates for TDN and Energies.

Relative Feed Value for forages will be calculated from the ADF and NDF values.

Nonfiber Carbohydrates will be calculated from the Crude Protein, NDF, Fat, and Ash values.

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