Southern Lawns: Best Management Practices for the Selection, Establishment and Maintenance of Southern Lawngrasses

Southern Lawns: Best Management Practices for the Selection, Establishment and Maintenance of Southern Lawngrasses

Authors: Clemson University Faculty members Bert McCarty (Editor), Department of Horticulture; Bob Bellinger, Entomology; Candace Cummings, Wildlife Specialist; Tim Davis, County Agent; Clyde Gorsuch, Entomologist; Trent Hale, Turf Specialist; Bruce Martin, Plant Pathologist; Robert Polomski, Consumer Horticulturist; and Greg Yarrow, Wildlife Specialist.

This book is for the professional landscaper, lawn care specialist or serious home lawn enthusiast. ""Southern Lawns"" is a 566-page book that provides complete information for selecting, establishing and maintaining all lawn grasses cultivated in the southern United States. Sections include selection, establishment, maintenance, pest management (including fire ants and nematodes), weed control, and pesticide safety (including formulation and application). Grasses include bahiagrass, bermuda, buffalograss, carpetgrass, centipede, fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, seashore paspulum, St. Augustine and zoysia.

Includes 191 color photos and 66 black-and-white Illustrations.

ISBN 0-9712527-6-9

Copyright Clemson University 2003

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