LP Semi-Intensive Application Fee - FY25

This link is used to pay for the Application Fee, Non-Refundable.

Application Process
  1.  Pay Application Fee: $75, Non-Refundable
    Application information and link will be sent to participants after PEWD receives application payment.
    Participant will have seven (7) days to complete the application after receiving information and link.
    $50 fee will apply after seven days.
  2. English Placement Test (EPT) & Microsoft Bookings Interview Appointment
    Placement test link and Microsoft Bookings information will be sent to participant after completing the application. 
    Participant will have seven (7) days to complete the English Placement Test (EPT) and schedule interview via Bookings (if applicable) after receiving information and link. 
    EPT results are valid for 6 months.
  3. Registration 
    Participant will have seven (7) days to pay for session via TouchNet after placing in a level.
    $50 fee will apply after seven days.
    If the level is not available, program staff will advise on available options. 

Contact Information: pewd@utrgv.edu

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