Transportation Data Analysis and Tools


Newer generations of sensors and tools have decreased the cost of data collection. This has resulted in the ability to use this data to better support transportation applications. However, the opportunities afforded by these data sources also present new challenges. Transportation planning and engineering professionals must now be fluent in data analysis techniques to ensure the proper application and interpretation of data to support decision-making processes.

Learning objectives

In this course, participants will gain an understanding of methods of data management, analysis, and visualization, including overviews of algorithms (statistical, artificial intelligence, and machine learning), languages (e.g., Python, R, SQL), and tools (e.g., geographic information systems, Tableau, Power BI). Hands-on exercises will be used to reinforce learning. Upon completion, participants should be better prepared to identify where these techniques can improve processes within their work environments.

Content outline

Specifically, the training will include:
• Module 1: Introduction & Overview
• Module 2: Transportation Data
• Module 3: Data Storage and Management
• Module 4: Data Analysis Techniques and Applications
• Module 5: Geographic Information Systems
• Module 6: Data Visualization Techniques
• Module 7: Hands-on Experience/Applications
• Module 8: Wrap-Up & Continuing Education

Professional Development Hours (PDH)

18.0 PDH


• Start Date: 2/14/2022
• End Date: 2/17/2022
• Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (30 minutes break from 11:30 AM – noon)
• Location: Online

