APhA-ASP Stethoscope and Blood Pressure Cuff Fundraiser 9/13 through 9/24/21; PRODUCT INFO: 3M™ Littmann® Lightweight II S.E. Stethoscopes, 28 Inch #2450 (one size) AND Hopkins Adult Latex Free Nylon Sphyg, 10" - 16"
$25.00 - $75.00 (depends on options selected)
Crewneck Fundraiser
Mental Health First Aid Course
Students who would like to participate in elections must become an NCPA member. Registering for 1 year of membership includes a local fee of $15 which should be paid via TouchNet and the national due of $50 should be paid using the national link provided in the election email. Those who are paying for 2, 3, or 4 years of membership should only complete the national link, not the TouchNet link, because the local fee has been waved.
Phi Lambda Sigma, Delta Beta Chapter - Annual Membership Dues
PLS Induction Fee Collection
SNPhA Lanyard Fundraiser - 9/7 through 9/17/21
SNPhA TShirt Fundraiser
SSHP Membership Dues Local Membership Only
SSHP Membership Dues National and Local Membership