Single Reed All State Prep Day

On Sunday, September 24th professors Dan Silver (clarinet) and Nathan Mertens (saxophone) will lead workshops, discussions, and masterclasses for Colorado high school musicians as they prepare for the Colorado High School All State auditions.

All events will take place from 11am-4pm (lunch provided) in the Imig Music Building on the University of Colorado Boulder campus. 

Please look at the menu below and select one regular sandwich for your boxed lunch:
Jimmy John's Menu

10:30am: Registration Opens / Light Refreshments
11:00am: Welcome/Opening Student Concert
11:30am: Masterclass #1
12:30pm - 1:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm - 2:30pm: Masterclass #2
2:30pm - 3:30pm: Helpful Tips - Practicing & Reeds
3:30pm - 4:00pm: Prizes/Q&A/Closing
4:00pm: Music Tours (Optional)

Thank you to our sponsors: Boulder Valley Instrument Repair, Chedeville Mouthpieces, and E. Rousseau Mouthpieces

