2023 Sun-Climate Symposium, Flagstaff, Arizona

The Symposium will be located in the high-country mountains of Northern Arizona. Our welcome reception will be held at the Lowell Observatory, where we will have access to observatory telescopes throughout the complex. Plan to check-in early and enjoy the night sky in Flagstaff! Science sessions will be held at the High Country Conference Center, which is connected via walkway to the Drury Inn. Science sessions will run Tuesday through Friday. We will be hosting a science dinner where a park ranger from the Grand Canyon will be giving a presentation on the area. Please plan to sign up for the dinner! It will be a wonderful and informative event!

** Guest registration includes catering — continental breakfast each day, break refreshments, two lunches, and two receptions. Guests are welcome to join the science dinner ($50).

For more information, visit our website: https://lasp.colorado.edu/home/meetings/2023-sun-climate-symposium/.

Prices range from $50.00 to $600.00 (price depends on options selected)