Replacement Diploma

Replacement Diploma

This form is not to order your original diploma - please apply to graduate online using the myUCCS portal.

To update your name in the UCCS Student Information System, complete a Student Record Change Request Form. Your diploma request will not be processed until your name is updated.

For more information about diploma options, please visit our UCCS Diplomas website.

Questions? Contact the Office of the Registrar at: 719-255-3361 or

Important Notices
  • There are no refunds.
  • Notarizations can only be requested for a Standard Diploma type. Notarized Standard Diplomas will require additional time to process as these orders must be shipped from our servicer on the East Coast directly to our office to be notarized. After notarization in our office, they can either be held for pickup or mailed standard USPS ground shipping to the delivery address of your choice. All notarizations will be a ‘certified copy notarization’ type. This means the reissued diploma will be photocopied, the photocopy will be notarized as a ‘certified copy’, then both will be stapled together. If sending to the state secretary’s office to be apostilled, these must remain stapled and sent together. This is per the Colorado Secretary of State’s office. If any alternative notarization is needed, please contact the Office of the Registrar prior to ordering.
  • Rushed orders must be placed by 2pm Mountain Time on a working business day Monday-Friday to be guaranteed to ship the next working business day. All orders regardless of being rushed are shipped via standard USPS ground shipping from the East Coast.
  • Standard Diplomas are 8.5 x 11 inches in size.
  • Display Diplomas are 16 x 14 inches in size.
  • All replacement diplomas will have only the current CU System President and the current University Registrar's signatures.
Standard DiplomaDisplay DiplomaNotarized Standard Diploma

Normal Processing




Rushed Processing




Prices range from $40.00 to $80.00 (price depends on options selected)