National Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Manual

Healthy, functioning watersheds are essential to our lives. We all live in watersheds, and whether we're washing our car in the driveway, grazing cattle along a stream bank, or just enjoying a day boating, we all contribute in one way or another to the stress placed on aquatic ecosystems. The "National Coastal Ecosystem Restoration Manual" helps us understand the watersheds we live in and shows us how to be better stewards of them. Its intended audience is broad: farmers, members of watershed councils, owners of small acreages, home owners, forestry managers, state and federal agencies and organizations, nongovernmental natural resource organizations--anyone, in short, who lives and works in a watershed. Sandy Ridlington and Teresa Welch, editors. 2002. Illustrations, index, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 464 pages. Paper. ORESU-H-02-002

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