Professional Mariner Training
Tug & Barge Simulator

Welcome to SUNY Maritime College Marketplace

Courses and programs are available to help people become merchant mariners and to allow mariners to maintain their credentials or advance in their profession. Though SUNY Maritime does not offer individualized tutoring programs, we can assist in finding a tutor in preparation for various exams.


Companies seeking customized training programs should contact the professional mariner training department at or (718) 409-7341)

Profesional Mariner Training
6 Pennyfield Ave
Bronx, NY 10465


All courses start at 0800 am. All PMT students should park in lot 11, a parking permit will be issued at the start of the class. The Classroom is located in L-203 on the second floor of the Fort/Library building.

All classes subject to cancelation due to enrollment

Professional Mariner Training
