Women in Ag

Welcome to Auburn Marketplace

Women in Ag Luncheon

We invite you to a luncheon at the Ag Heritage Park Alfa Pavilion with Dr. Grandin - an academic, a world-leader on animal behavior, and an advocate for people with autism - and to view a private screening of the upcoming documentary about her, An Open Door, on Monday, February 26, 2024, at the Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.
  • $10,000 title sponsorship | includes 20 seats at the luncheon and 5 of Dr. Grandin's books
  • $5,000 sponsorship | includes 10 seats at the luncheon
  • $2,500 sponsorship | includes 5 seats at the luncheon
  • $150 | individual tickets

If you have any questions, please contact Megan Adamson at meb0056@auburn.edu.

Women in Ag Luncheon