Johnny Cash Boyhood Home Tours

Johnny Cash Boyhood Home Tours

Tour Time - Monday to Saturday @ 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, and 3:00 PM **CLOSED SUNDAYS**
*Holiday hours: Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 22, 23, 24, 25, December 29, 30, 31, January 1*

  • The Dyess Colony Visitors Center, located in the Colony Circle at the former site of the theatre and pop shop, is the first stop.  It includes a gift shop, orientation video, and exhibits.  The Dyess Colony Administration Building next door houses exhibits related to the establishment of the colony, lifestyles of typical colonists, and the influences Dyess had on Johnny Cash and his music.
  • The Johnny Cash Boyhood Home is furnished as it appeared when the Cash family lived there, based on family memories. Please check in for your tour at the Visitor Center located in the Historic Dyess Colony 15 minutes before your tour time, 110 Center Drive Dyess, AR.

1.  First, select the number of tickets you want to purchase.

2.  When prompted, please select from the ticket choices listed below.

  • Regular Admission = $20
  • Reduced Admission = $15 (seniors 65+, military w/ ID, *groups) 
  • Students = $10 (youth 5-17)   
  • K-12 Student Groups = $5 (1 chaperone free for every 8 students, bus driver(s) free)
  • Free Admission = A-State Students, Children under 5, Members

*Groups consist of 8 or more


