Slime with a Twist (3rd - 6th) 7/8 - 7/11

Slime with a Twist

July 8th - 11th

1:00pm - 4:00pm

3rd - 6th Grades (Rising Grade Levels - Fall 2024)

Location:  Education & Communications Building and Parking Lot

Who doesn't LOVE SLIME? This week you will make so many different types of slime you won't believe it! We have glitter slime, rainbow slime, creamy slime, smooth slime, gritty slime, sticky slime, foamy slime, and you wilt find out what happens when we mix slime with clay, play dough, baking soda and vinegar! Can you predict the outcome? We will do science experiments with slime, pretend with slime, mix colors with slime, count and stretch slime! Have fun exploring all types of slime during Slime Week!

Total 36 seats

Before registering your child for this camp, please click on the link below to fill out and submit the required legal consent form.

A-State Summer Camp Academy Legal Consent Forms

